United Kingdom

One Health Approach

Dog at vet

Animal and Human Health are Connected

We believe the development of sophisticated tools and technologies to protect companion animal health and to support livestock farming can have a significant positive impact on public health and the global supply of safe and affordable food. Animals and humans share many diseases. Providing solutions for newly emerging infectious diseases in animals helps to protect the health of humans.

  • People and animals have a number of diseases in common, including osteoarthritis, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, just to name a few. Collaboration between human and animal health researchers provides the potential to advance the understanding of mutually relevant diseases and expands the translational approach to medicine.
  • An abundant supply of safe, affordable animal proteins begins with healthy animals. New technologies aimed at prevention, treatment or control of infectious diseases, or technologies which enable predictive health outcomes or enhancement of feed efficiency in livestock would be highly valuable to the animal health industry.
  • More than 60 percent of all human infectious diseases have their origins in animals.
  • Approaches to control infectious disease in animals, especially livestock, are becoming increasingly important.

Potential benefits of collaboration taking a One Health approach include:

  • Apply in vivo models to help accelerate pre-clinical research
  • Share compound libraries
  • Shorten cycle from research to commercialization by validating molecular targets in veterinary species natural disease
  • Utilize Zoetis expertise in veterinary biopharmaceuticals (monoclonal antibodies and protein therapeutics) to evaluate targets in non-rodent species

Please contact us if you would like to discuss an opportunity for collaboration or for more information about partnering with Zoetis.