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diet and exercise

Diet and Exercise

Diet and weight management are important in managing your pet's diabetes.


Your veterinary surgeon will determine what diet is best for your pet

Diabetic pets are usually prescribed diets that eliminate or reduce sugar spikes

For diabetic dogs, diets high in fiber are typical because they are lower in sugar and take longer to digest

For diabetic cats, your veterinary surgeon may recommend a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates


Exercise and physical activity are also important when managing diabetic pets. In general, physical activity and exercise lower blood glucose levels. This is why consistency in your pet's daily exercise schedule is very important. Talk to your veterinary surgeon about your pet’s daily exercise and activity and adhere to the prescribed exercise schedule.

Diet and Exercise Tips:

  • Ask your veterinary surgeon what diabetes-friendly treats are recommended for your pet
  • Report to your veterinary surgeon if your pet's daily activity varies significantly
  • Do not change your pet's diet without notifying your veterinary surgeon
  • Do not exercise your pet heavily after insulin* administration

* If your dog or cat is prescribed insulin by a veterinary surgeon.

Note: The health information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace a discussion with a veterinary surgeon. All decisions regarding patient care must be made with a veterinary surgeon and unique characteristics of each patient should be considered.